Journal Publications | Refereed Conference and Workshop Publications | Posters | Technical Reports


Open-Source Molecular Modeling Software Graphic

Open-Source Molecular Modeling Software in Chemical Engineering Focusing on the Molecular Simulation Design Framework
P. T. Cummings, C. Mc Cabe, C. R. Iacovella, A. Ledeczi, E. Jankowski, A. Jayaraman, J. C. Palmer, E. J. Maginn, S. C. Glotzer, J. A. Anderson, J. I. Siepmann, J. Potoff, R. A. Matsumoto, J. B. Gilmer, R. S. DeFever, R. Singh, B. Crawford. AIChE Journal (2021).

GOMC 2.70 Update Graphic

Update 2.70 to "GOMC: GPU Optimized Monte Carlo for the simulation of phase equilibria and physical properties of complex fluids"
Y. Nejahi, M. Soroush Barhaghi, G. Schwing, L. Schwiebert, J. Potoff. SoftwareX, 13, 100627 (2021).


Effect of Fluorination Graphic

Effect of fluorination on the partitioning of alcohols.
M. Soroush Barhaghi, C. Luyet, and J. J. Potoff, J. Molecular Physics,117, 3827-3839 (2019).
This article is part of the Peter Cummings special issue.

Histogram-Free Reweighting Graphic

Histogram-Free Reweighting with Grand Canonical Monte Carlo: Post-simulation Optimization of Non-bonded Potentials for Phase Equilibrium.
R. A. Messerly, M. Soroush Barhaghi, J. J. Potoff, and Michael R. Shirts, J. chemical & engineering data, 64, 3701-3717 (2019).
This article is part of the FOMMS special issue.

Prediction of Phase Equilibria Graphic

Prediction of phase equilibria and Gibbs free energies of transfer using molecular exchange Monte Carlo in the Gibbs ensemble.
M. Soroush Barhaghi and J. J. Potoff. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 486, 106-118 (2019).

GPU Optimized Monte Carlo, Simulation of Phase Equilibria Graphic

GOMC: GPU Optimized Monte Carlo for the simulation of phase equilibria and physical properties of complex fluids.
Y. Nejahi, M. Soroush Barhaghi, J. Mick, B. Jackman, K. Rushaidat, Y. Li, L. Schwiebert, J. Potoff. SoftwareX, 9, 20-27 (2019).


Molecular Exchange Monte Carlo Graphic

Molecular Exchange Monte Carlo. A generalized method for identity exchanges in grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations.
M. Soroush Barhaghi, K. Torabi, Y. Nejahi, L. Schwiebert, and J. J. Potoff. J. Chem. Phys. 149, 072318 (2018)
Part of the Special Topic issue on Enhanced Sampling for Molecular Systems.


Optimized Mie Potentials, Application to Branched Alkanes

Optimized Mie Potentials for Phase Equilibria: Application to Branched Alkanes.
M. Soroush Barhaghi, J. R. Mick and J. J. Potoff. Molec. Phys. 115, 1378-1388 (2017).


Improving Performance of GPU Code Graphic

Improving performance of GPU code using novel features of the NVIDIA kepler architecture.
Y. Li, L. Schwiebert, E. Hailat, J. Mick, and J. J. Potoff. Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience, 28, 3586-3605 (2016).

Prediction of Radon-222 Phase Graphic

Prediction of radon-222 phase behavior from Monte Carlo simulation.
J. R. Mick, M. Soroush Barhaghi, and J. J. Potoff. J. Chem. Eng. Data 61, 1625-1631 (2016).


Optimized Mie Potentials for Phase Equilibria, Application to Noble Gasses

Optimized Mie potentials for phase equilibria: Application to noble gases and their mixtures with n-alkanes.
J. Mick, M. Soroush Barhaghi, B. Jackman, K. Rushaidat, L. Schwiebert and J. Potoff. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 143, 114504 (2015).






GPU Accelerated COnfigurational Bias Monte Carlo Graphic

GPU Accelerated Configurational Bias Monte Carlo Simulations of Linear Alkanes.
J. Mick, K. Rushaidat, E. Hailat, V. Russo, L. Schwiebert, and J. Potoff. AIChE Annual Meeting, paper no. 283711, October 2012.


GPU Accellerated Monte Carlo, Gibbs and Canonical Ensembles

GPU Accelerated Monte Carlo Simulations In the Gibbs and Canonical Ensembles.
J. Mick, J. Potoff, E. Hailat, V. Russo, and L. Schwiebert. AIChE Annual Meeting, October 2011.


Development of the Parallel Monte Carlo Simulation Engine Poster

Mohammad S. Barhaghi, Jason Mick, Kamel Rushaidat, Runxuan Jiang, Brock Jackman, Yuanzhe Li, Younes Nejahi, Loren Schwiebert, and Jeffrey Potoff, "Development of The Parallel Monte Carlo Simulation Engine GOMC". AIChE Annual Meeting October 2017.


Development of a GPU Accelerated Gibbs Ensemble Monte Carlo Poster

Mohammad S. Barhaghi, Jason Mick, Kamel Rushaidat, Brock Jackman, Yuanzhe Li, Younes Nejahi, Loren Schwiebert, and Jeffrey Potoff, "Development of a GPU Accelerated Gibbs Ensemble Monte Carlo Simulation Engine". AIChE Annual Meeting October 2015.




Accelerating Simulations in the Gibbs and Canonical Ensembles Poster

J. Mick, E. Hailat, V. Russo, K. Rushaidat,L. Schwiebert, and J. Potoff, "Accelerating Simulations in the Gibbs and Canonical Ensembles with GPUs," AIChE Annual Meeting, October 2011.


L. Schwiebert, E. Hailat, K. Rushaidat, J. Mick, and J. Potoff, "An Efficient Cell List Implementation for Monte Carlo Simulation on GPUs,", August 2014.